
Thursday, July 8, 2010

My Summer vacation!

Now is our summer vacation in Taiwan
But I can't enjoy my summer vacation
I have lots of things to do now

Today, I finish most of them
Form now on, maybe I can be more free
and enjoy my vacation.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Final publication

Project will come to an end.
We will review our efforts in this six months on Thursday.

Each group is to prepare the audit files in these days.
Expect each group can survive.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Long time no see !!!!!

Hello ,everybody

   Yume&Hoja had been pass all the exams.

   We want to go somewhere to relax.

   And we find a special amusement park in Taiwan, Nantou.

   There are the most special carousel in the world.

   It is a carousel with motorcycles, we feel that is so cool!!!


Have a good summer vacation!!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Final Exam......┐(〒△〒)┌

Also at this time......

It is a boring time......

All of the Taiwanese students, whether elementary school students, junior high school students, high school students even college students are studying hard for their wonderful summer vacation.

I am no exception.

For the upcoming final exam(In fact, final exam start at tomorrow...), the next few days may not be updated.

Well, I think I should go to study now......

English, Management Accounting and Statistics, I am coming~(〒△〒)

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Cool Video

It's so cool~~~~

Thursday, June 24, 2010

A wonderful song A beautiful voice

I really love this song--Vincent

Recently,I often listen to this song

We all know that this song is sing by Don McLean

But do you know that Taiwan also has a great singer?

Let me introduce you who she is......

She is Joanna Wang

Maybe you have heard her name

Her voice is really beautiful

Now, let's listen to her sing this song--Vincent

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Refreshing time!!

The present is Summer,it's time to do what?

Eat ice cream!!

So i went to the ice cream shop with my friends today.

Unfortunately, I can't eat ice cream.

Because I now am the physiological period,for the sake of my health, I didn't eat the ice cream.

I ate the soap mix with taro, sweet potato, and red beans.

Of caurse, after I eat it, that didn't refresh me but let me hotter.

My friends were a sence of exhilaration about eating the ice cream.

Oh~How miserable am I !!!

 This is one of my friend's ice cream.
It's fruit flavors.

It's green tea flavors.(from Japan)
(Load the ice cream with "big shell". )

The chocolate flavors.

Of caurse their ice cream was very refreshing.


this is my....